AIDA presents: Cloud-Based Analytics Overview and Tutorial
When: Friday, September 30, 2016 2:30PM – 4:30PM
Where: Carnegie Hall 113
Presenter: Christian Frey, AIDA
Data Analytics and Machine Learning is becoming increasingly accessible via easy to use tools and techniques available on the Web. This means that it is simpler than ever to generate insight and create predictions based on your data without having to purchase and install hardware and software. In this session, you will learn about several data analysis and predictive modeling tools available in your browser. You will learn about some of the benefits and drawbacks of Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio, the Google Cloud Predictions API, IBM Analytics, and Amazon Machine Learning. You will participate in a tutorial on BigML, starting with loading in a sample dataset, and then customization of that dataset and model so as to meet your prediction needs. So bring along your Wi-Fi ready laptop and try it for yourself. The use of the BigML cloud-based software is free for datasets up to 16MB, so bring your own data if you wish to try working with it in the second half of the tutorial.
This tutorial is designed for students interested in data mining, machine learning, and free pizza. Participants should be comfortable with basic statistical terms and simple spreadsheets. No prior machine learning experience required.
Presenter: Christian Frey works for AIDA as a Business/Data Analyst. He graduated in May from Acadia University with a Bachelor’s of Business Administration with a major in Computer Science. For AIDA, Christian works with companies to take advantage of their data and use data analytics to improve their business. He also plans events and manages AIDA’s social media presence.
Cost: Free. You should bring a laptop that is Wi-Fi LAN internet ready to participate in the tutorial. Note: you must register with BigML in advance of the session, so that you are prepared to start in on the exercises with the instructor. You can sign up at Learn more about AIDA at