CS Seminar
Jodrey School of Computer Science
Thursday, November 21, 2013
4:00 PM
Carnegie Hall 113
Text Mining, Dreams and Elections
Stan Matwin
Canada Research Chair
Director, Institute for Big Data Analytics
Dalhousie University
In this talk, we will review some of the recent applied text mining. We will argue the need for a text representation that would be more linguistically informed than the standard vector model. We will present one such proposal, embedded in an important medical application, in which a co-occurrence model takes into account the distribution of words throughout the corpus. We will then show how this representation is successfully applied in the task of categorizing dream descriptions by their emotional valuation. We will round up the talk with our experience with some of the other text mining techniques used in the analysis of the twitter traffic.
About the Presenter
Stan Matwin is a Professor and Canada Research Chair and Director of the Institute for Big Data Analytics at Dalhousie University, a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Ottawa (on leave), and a Professor at the Institute for Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. Former director of the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Computer Science Fellow of ECCAI and CAIAC and an Ontario Champion of Innovation. Internationally recognized for his work in text mining and in applications of Machine Learning. Member of Editorial Boards of the leading journals in Machine Learning and Data Mining. Stan also has significant experience and interest in innovation and technology transfer.
Everyone is welcome to attend
Sharon Watson
Senior Administrative Secretary
Jodrey School of Computer Science
Acadia University
Wolfville, NS
B4P 2R6
tel: 902-585-1331
fax: 902-585-1067
email: sharon.watson@acadiau.ca
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