Jodrey School of Computer Science SEMINAR PRESENTATION
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
3:30 PM
Carnegie Hall 113
Making Sense in the Margins: A field study of annotation
Jamie Blustein, Associate Professor
Dalhousie University
We report on three years of data collected in the field from students in graduate and undergraduate seminars at two universities. The students annotated texts for discussion in classes where hypertext and computer interfaces were core topics. The results of our analysis show how annotation style changes with a combination of experience and study of material related to annotation. Our other major conclusions are that: there are essentially six purposes for user-readers to annotate while operating as scholars; and that support for textual glosses is a necessary part of any successful annotation technology for use by scholars. Our study of the purposes of annotative marks suggests tools that will be appreciated by users of e-text.
About the Presenter
Jamie Blustein is an associate professor of Computer Science and Information Management at Dalhousie University. Jamie’s main research interests are in hypertext, human-computer interaction, digital libraries and Web science. The overall goal this research is to help people find and use information more effectively.
Everyone is welcome to attend