BACS - Bachelor of Applied Computer Science
Program Requirements
Students must complete 120 credit hours as follows:
- All of the following (42h): COMP 1113, COMP 1123, COMP 2103, COMP 2112, COMP 2203, COMP 2213, COMP 2663, COMP 2903, COMP 3343, COMP 3613, COMP 3663, COMP 3713, COMP 3753, COMP 4983, each with a minimum grade of C-
- 3h from: MATH 2233 or MATH 2213 with minimum grade of C-
- 6h from: MATH 1413/1323(recommended) or MATH 1313/1333 with minimum grades of C-
- 6h selected from English, Art at the 1000-level, Classics, Comparative Religion, a single lanaguage other than English, History, Music(not applied, vocal or instrumental methods, or practical studies) Philosophy, Theology(THEO 3013/3023, BIBL 2013/2023, GREE 3013/3023), or Women's and Gender Studies or COMM 1213/1223 (Students completing the specialization in Software Development may not count COMM 1213 and 1223 towards this requirement.)
- 9h of courses from the Faculty of Arts (not SOCI 3103).
- 54h of Interdisciplinary Study as follows:
a. 6h of COMP with a minimum of C-
b. 6h of COMP or MATH with a minimm of C-
c. 42h with permission of the school that must contaib a Minor in another subject of at least 18h (all Minor courses must be completed with a minimum of C-)
d.. of the above, 15h must not be Computer Science, Mathematics, or Co-operative Education.
54h of a Defined Option, such as the following:
Software Development
a. All of the following (15h): COMP 2513, COMP 3513, COMP 3583, COMP 3773, COMP 1213 with a minimum grade of a C-
b. 12h from the School of Business Administration with a minimum grade of a C-
c. 9h with permission of the School
d. 18h of electives
e. of the above, 15h must not be Computer Science, Mathematics, or Co-operative Education.
Game Development
a. All the following (27h): COMP 3553, COMP 3583, COMP 3773, COMP 4343, COMP 4553, COMP 4613, MATH 1013, MATH 1023, MATH 2313 with a minimum grade of C-
b. 15h with permission of the School
c. 12h of electives
d. of the above 15h must not be Computer Science, Mathematics, or the Co-operative Education
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
a. All of the following (30h): COMP 2513, COMP 2523, COMP 3583, COMP 4343, COMP 4583, MATH 1013, MATH 1023, PSYC 1013, PSYC 1023, PSYC 2143 with a minimum grade of a C-
b. 12h with permission of the School
c. 12h of electives
d. of the above, 15h must not be Computer Science, Mathematics, or Co-operative Education
Data Analytics
a. 12h of COMP 2513, COMP 3513, COMP 3503, COMP 3923, COMP 3923(Data Visualization), COMP 4613, or COMP 4923 (Machine Learning) with a minimum grade of a C-
b. 6h of MATH 1013, MATH 1023 with a minimum of grade C-
c. 3h of MATH 2233 or MATH 2243 with a minimum grade of C-
d. 6h of MATH 3233, MATH 3283, or MATH 3293 with a minimum grade of C-
e. 12h from COMP 2853, ECON 1013, ECON 1023, BUSI 1013, BUSI 2013, BUSI 2513, BUSI 2803, BUSI 3063
f. 15h of electives
g. of the above, 15h must not be Computer Science, Mathmatics, or Co-operative Education
54h that constitutes a Second Major as follows:
a. 6h of COMP with a minimum of C-
b. 48h with permission of the School that include courses to satisfy second Major requirements in another discipline (Major courses must typically be completed with a minimum of C-)
c. of the above 15h must not be Computer Science, Mathematics, or Co-operative Education
BACS (Software Development/ Second Major/ Interdisciplinary Study)
BACS (Data analytics, Game Development, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing)
Graduation Requirements
In addition to the program requirements outlined below, a minimum CGPA of 2.0 is required to graduate. The following courses may not count towards a degree in computer science: APSC 1413, ECON 2613, ECON 2623, MATH 1213, MATH 1223, MATH 1613, any 1800- or 2800-level Computer Science course(with the exception of COMP 2853, which may be used as an elective course only).